We Offer CEREC Dentistry in Edinburg

As a provider of CEREC dentistry in Edinburg, patients ask a lot of questions about this new dental technology. The medical industry has grown leaps and bounds in the past several decades as technology and science have merged together to create new solutions. Much of this has happened behind the scenes with medical and dental tools improving or the materials we use becoming stronger, more effective or smaller. CEREC is a culmination of many of these advancements.

A Faster Dental Crown Solution

CEREC dentistry is one of the ways that we provide you with the highest quality in patient care. As a provider of cosmetic dentistry, many of our patients come to us looking to improve the appearance of their smile. Some of the ways that we help are by closing gaps between teeth, covering dark stains, changing the size and shape of teeth. We are able to do so on a regular basis using solutions like dental crowns and dental veneers. The only challenge with a solution like a crown is how long it takes to place, traditionally that is.

Traditional methods for getting a dental crown or veneer can take multiple appointments over several weeks. With CEREC, we can speed up the process immensely.Patients will sometimes have to wear a temporary crown as they wait for the official one. Now, we can complete the official dental crown and fit it to the tooth in one visit.

In Just One Visit

By offering CEREC dentistry in Edinburg, we can accomplish the entire process in one visit and send the patient on his or her way with a new tooth. Instead of making an impression of the mouth, we create digital images that we upload into our CAD/CAM software. The software goes to work creating a 3D image of the teeth and blueprints for the exact dimensions for the dental crown.

We send these instructions to our milling machine that creates the new crown while the patient waits. This allows McColl Dental Center to complete chairside restorations so that the patient can come in with a damaged tooth or looking for an improved smile and leaving with a restored tooth that looks completely natural.

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Dr. Emma Carrillo: